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Truth Initiative x Spotify


The Problem:
The number of young people that have started using e-cigarettes has skyrocketed over the last few years believing it's a safe activity and not knowing the consequences.

The Opportunity:
Music is a massive part of adolescents, and for this reason Spotify is the perfect platform to reach the young demographic.

The Idea:
A digital activation, Truth x Spotify: The TRUTH Unwrapped. We partnered with Spotify to put high school students face-to-face with the scary truth about vaping through music. With personalized playlists and a comprehensive deep dive of your smoking habits.

Spec Work
AD: Tram Cu
CW: Daniela Nunez


To promote this campaign, we've decided to implement a native advertisement on Spotify's homepage.

To draw users in, we have featured artists who have struggled with addiction in the past.


After clicking on the banner, users are redirected to a short quiz where they will be asked about their smoking habits.


Users will receive personalized statistics based on the answers they give while taking the quiz.

Along with a breakdown of their results, they will be presented with a carefully-curated playlist based on their smoking habits.


After users receive the summary of their quiz results, they will get redirected to the personalized playlist based on their smoking habits.

Users can get a "good playlist" that contain songs that are happy, uplifting, or a "bad playlist” with slower, sad and dark songs.


When users get the "bad" playlist, a message will pop up allowing them to take a pledge to quit vaping to improve their results and "change the soundtrack of their life".


After clicking "Take the Pledge", users will be redirected to BecomeAnEx, a free, digital quit-smoking plan and online community of thousands of smokers and ex-smokers developed by Truth Initiative in collaboration with Mayo Clinic.